Saturday, 16 February 2008

New Home

I’ve moved.

As I type this I’m sat at my desk in my new room. Looking out of the window I can see for miles over South London. Church spires poke up from carpet of thousands of houses and several blocks of flats are a rigid contrast to the rolling hills on which they stand.

The sun is setting, sparkling as it reflects off the windows across town and casting its golden glow all around, the clear sky gradually fading from a bright blue, through a rusty orange into a musky pink.

Even in the very early stages of this new chapter it feels like ‘right place at the right time’. I’m definitely looking forward to the challenges of the next few months. God certainly hasn’t let me down on this one, and I’ve no reason to think He is going to in the coming season.

“Grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace shall lead me home”

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