Tuesday 25 January 2011

New Songs

At the end of last year I posted lyrics to two new songs I had written. I now post what those lyrics should sound like. Enjoy.

 'You Say' - Jimmy Orr © 2010

'This is the Church' - Jimmy Orr © 2010

Monday 10 January 2011

Worship Together?

We seem to be living in a church culture where most people's definition and understanding of what worship is all about would probably involve something to do with singing and music. Often in church settings when we use the word 'worship' we actually mean 'music'. The worship leader is actually the music leader. "Let's move into a time of worship" acutally means "let's start singing".

Now, I'm not for one second suggesting that music and singing has no place in worship. Firstly, I'm a musician; I love music and I love God and I love the church so the more I can combine the three the better. But we need to remember that worship is so much more than only singing or music. And I'm not talking about the whole "Worship-is-a-lifestyle" thing either. I mean within our corporate gatherings, when a bunch of Christians get together to worship God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for who he is and what he's done for us, worship means more than music. Worship and Singing are not words that are interchangeable.

"When you Pray..."

Prayer. We've all done it at one time or another. Often it's at a point of crisis or desperation when all else has failed or when a situation is totally out of our control. At other times it's in moments of extreme emotion - an outburst of joy or excitement or a cry of grief or heartbreak or confusion. Sometimes it's routine, sometimes it's spontaneous. Sometimes it's read from a set book, sometimes it's made up on the spot, off the cuff, out of the moment.

The one common thread through it all is that prayer is communication with God. In fact, that's the dictionary definition of Prayer: the act of communication with a deity.

To some, that definition doesn't come as much of a surprise, and maybe you were hoping for a more detailed and in depth exposition of what prayer is, but I think that there is a beauty in that simplicity...Prayer is communicating with God.