If you want to use this prayer, either personally, in churches or other groups, I hope you find it useful and helpful.
Lord Jesus, Prince of peace, we draw near to you and pray.
As you intercede for us before the throne, so we come on behalf of those in need.
You calmed the raging storm, and so we ask you to still the restless hearts of those in pain.
Bring your peace to troubled places.
Jesus Christ, who calmed the wind and storm,
Hear our prayer and bring your calm amidst chaos.
Holy Spirit, our helper and our comforter, we draw near to you and pray.
As you intercede for us with groans that words cannot explain, so we pray on behalf of those in need.
You are our support and comfort, bringing peace beyond our understanding and so we ask you to be the steadfast truth in the minds of those in shock
Bring your comfort in confusion and commotion.
Holy Spirit, our comforter and helper,
Hear our prayer and bring your calm amidst chaos.
Father God, creator of heaven and earth, we draw near to you and pray.
We intercede in Christ Jesus, and by the Holy Spirit and pray on behalf of those in need.
Your ways are higher than ours and your wisdom infinitely greater. And so we ask you to give wisdom to those in difficulty and mercy to those who hurt.
Let your hope emerge from the debris of tragedy.
Father God, maker of heaven and earth,
Hear our prayer and bring your calm amidst chaos.
Lord, have mercy.
1 comment:
Thank you Jimmy - this is beautiful and will be used in my church on Sunday XX
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