Jesus would be flogged; scourged: whipped. The whips used would be leather strands with pieces of lead, flint, metal all lodged in the ends. It was designed and perfected to shred flesh from a man's back. The first few lashes bruised. The next batch cut through the skin. Thirty-nine lashes later Jesus back was a bloodied mangled mess of skin, muscle and tissue. Then the put a robe on him and mockingly crowned him king with a crown made of jagged-spiny thorns which pierce his head and jarred against his skull.
The practise was for the prisoner to carry his or her own cross. Whether the whole thing or just a cross beam was carried is unsure, but nevertheless, carrying a log for about 700 yards across a scourged back would hurt.
The reached the crucifixion site - outside the city walls, on the main road. It was a deterrent to stop anyone challenging the authorities.
Ripping off the robe, re-opening the wounds on his back he was laid on the cross.
These soldiers weren't careful and gentle. They had crucified hundreds of people, if not thousands. They were just doing their job and doing it with merciless efficiency.
They grabs his hands, pulled his arms outstretched and reached for a nail - a long, rough, rusty metal nail.
Feeling for the depression in the wrist, between the bones, the soldier positions the nail and hammers it through Jesus' arm - passing by arteries and veins and damaging nerves - and into the wood below. Every jolt of every blow sending agony through his body. The same action is carried out the other side.
Next the feet.

The cross is fixed and raised and Christ is left to die.
Exhausted - he hasn't slept since Wednesday night, though I doubt he got much rest knowing what was coming.
Hungry. Thirsty.
Bleeding profusely from his back, his hands, his feet, his head. His body losing a lot of fluid very quickly. The stress and pressure often caused migraines to afflict the victims.
It has just gone nine on Friday morning...
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