Sunday, 20 January 2008

Amazing Grace (Remix?)*

"Amazing grace how sweet the sound
that forgave a [man] bitch like me.
You see I kinda freaked her out
She's safe and sound really."

This is an adaptation of a classic hymn to mark a low point in great friendship tonight. I did something really quite mean to a good friend who was sat in her house alone. The lights dimmed to give the impression that no one was in. She was understandably a little concerned of being on her own and I offered some advice;

To watch a scary movie, but not to get caught up in the storyline or it'll just freak her out. but take notes on what each college girl victim does and in the event of some terrible danger, do the complete opposite!

This advice, i realise in retrospect, was thoughtless and mean and caused her to panic and worry. I am truly and deeply sorry for being so unhelpful. I deserved the insulting term she described me as [which cannot be repeated - this is a family blog.].

So guys, I urge you, in view of my tragic mistake, to never take a girls imagination and ability to conjure all manner of impossible and unlikely scenarios lightly. Be careful when offering humorous advice and beware offending their fragile, pretty little minds.

I hope this is a valuable lesson to us all.

[* Please note, this article is drenched in sarcasm and humour and is in no way created to be taken seriously (other than the fact that upsetting girls is hazardous to your health.)]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pretty little minds?! Hmmm. If I did not know you for the man you are, I would wonder QUITE where the sarcasm was in your article!! Anyway, your blog is v interesting and I've bookmarked it. Miss you Babette xXx